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Installation meeting with a little extra

Claygate Lodge

Thursday 21st December, being the date of the Lodge's installation meeting, saw over fourty members and guests attend Glenmore House for what proved to be a very eventful evening. W.Bro Martin Schollar was expertly installed into the Masters Chair by outgoing Master W.Bro Bill Slattery, following the end of his year of office. Ably assisted by several other Lodge members, the ceremony was in full swing when there was a knock on the door of the Lodge which, when opened by the Inner Guard, discovered the Provincial DC demanding admission on behalf of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master - W. Bro Richard Wileman, PAGSwdB and other supporting Officers. Once welcomed into the Lodge, they lined up in the west and delivered Christmas best wishes from the Provincial Grand Master and all the senior officers of Surrey which was greatly appreciated by all the brethen present.

The installation meeting continued with the Working tools being presented by two of the younger members (Alex Maghakian Gal & Matt Montlake) as well as a senior member (John Brooks).

Notices were given in respect of one joining member and one new member both of whom will join us at the first meeting in 2018.

Following the meeting, all present enjoyed a very fine Festive Board, with a Christmas flavour, where an excellent rendition of the Masters Song was given in honour of our new Master. Finally we ended the evening with signing of carols led by our organist John Brooks.

A special tribute to Martin who attended and was installed as Master, having been struck down with flu a few days earlier and whose presence was strictly beyond the call of duty.

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