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Claygate Lodge

Thursday 27th October saw some 27 members and guests assemble at Glenmore House for a regular meeting of Claygate Lodge.

The ceremony was a 2nd degree which was well performed by the Master, Larry Hands who was ably assisted by his officers. The proceedings appeared to be well received by the candidate and special mention must be made of the wonderful presentation of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board given by our guest W.Bro Martin.

Unfortunately our new Visiting Officer was unable to attend through ill health.

We were delighted to see a number of our ‘walking wounded’ at the meeting especially W.Bro. Ian Willis who had journeyed down from Leicestershire to be with us.

The Festive Board was celebrated in normal Claygate fashion and the charity collection and raffle raised in excess of £300 thanks to the generosity of all attending.

All in all a very enjoyable regular lodge meeting.

Planning now in hand for the Christmas (Installation) meeting on Thursday 15th December 2016

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