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Excellent Emulation

Claygate Lodge

Claygate Lodge were well represented at the 2016 Emulation Lodge of Improvement Festival held at Grand Lodge on 26th Feb. Reigning Master, Larry Hands accompanied by Sandel Dima and Lionel Frewin made their way to the Egyptian Temple in Grand Lodge which was packed to capacity for the Festival. The programme of work was the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sections of the 2nd Lecture presented by four Masons from various Lodges of Improvement around the country. The way the lectures were presented was awe inspringing and made even more so by the fact that the young SW was able to prompt all of the sections of work without reference to the book.

Following the meeting those attending adjourned to an excellent Italian restaurant in Covent Garden for a most enjoyable libation and dinner.

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